Water & Acid Leak Detection Locating Solution
With FG-SYS Unit
Leak detection digital panel FG-SYS : The FG-SYS digital unit, a robust and reliable leak detection and location panel, ensures an immediate detection and precise location of water and acid leaks. It is suitable for IT infrastructure, commercial & residential property but also industrial applications. FG-SYS unit is widely installed around the world over decade.
It is capable to monitor up to 120 lengths of sense cables on its 3 independent outputs.
It has 9 configurable relay contacts integrated and it can be connected on BMS via 2 interface types: RS232 or RS422/485 serial interfaces.
Each sense cable connected is addressable and can be customized by assigning a specific identity and name. In case of leak, the operator can find easily the precise location thanks to the identifying name.
Water & base sense cable FG-EC : The FG-EC sense cable detects and pin-point locates water & base liquid leak at any point along the cable. It is designed to be connected on FG-SYS or FG-NET digital unit. The typical applications are data centres, trading floors, high value and mission critical infrastructure.
Acid sense cable FG-AC : FG-AC sense cable detects and pin-point locates acid leak at any point along the cable. It is designed to be connected on FG-SYS or FG-NET digital unit. The typical applications are laboratories, fab plants, cleanrooms, etc. in order to provide permanent protection to limit the financial consequences of an undetected acid leak. The FG-AC sense cable is made in corrosion and abrasion resistant cable that can be reused after cleaning.
Accessories for leak detection system: TTK leak detection systems offer a full range of connection accessories and kits as diversion boxes, leading cables, end terminations. These items assure a proper functioning of the systems.